Access hundreds of quality, vetted sources
with one RFQ. For free.

MaterialsNow makes getting quotes easy. With one RFQ get multiple quotes from our ever-growing pool of hundreds of reliable sources all eager to win your business. Easily manage your quotes in one place. Work directly with the source--no middle man.

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How it works

Submit a Request
for Quote (RFQ)

Use our simplified RFO form to source any metal or material. For free.

Receive Multiple

Compare quotes received for
your RFQ easily on our platform

Get Your Materials
Direct From the Source

No middle man. Contact the sources directly from the quotes you receive.

Why MaterialsNow?

50+ years of experience.

We've spent decades assessing and vetting sources across nearly every metal and material category and have built a powerful tool that allows you to tap directly into that sourcing knowledge with a single RFQ.

Save time, save money.

MaterialsNow is free. No need to spend time scouring the web, sending emails, or making phone calls to compare quotes. Submit a single RFQ through MaterialsNow and we'll bring the sources to you. Compare quotes to get the best pricing and delivery. You've got nothing to lose.

No change to your workflow.

You're already accustomed to submitting RFQs, we've just made it a heck of a lot easier. And we don't get in the middle: once we hook you up with a source who can meet your needs, you can work with them directly as you normally would.

Recent Customer RFQs

We've got the sources.

Shown are a small sample of RFQs our customers have submitted through MaterialsNow and the sourcing and quotes we delivered back.

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51 Sources

Alloy 173 Beryllium Copper
Bar; 0.187” Dia. x 1ft Long
1,000 Pieces

35 Sources

4130 Alloy Steel Square
Tubing 1-1/2” x .0625” Wall
20ft Long; 10 Pieces

36 Sources

T430 Stainless Steel Sheet
.031” +/- .004 x 48” X 120” 
100 Sheets

17 Sources

Nickel 718 Wire 
0.065” Diameter

10 Sources

6082-T6 Aluminum Plate
2” x 8” x 10”
20 Pieces

27 Sources

101 Copper Bar
5” Dia. x 6" Long
100 Pieces

MaterialsNow is free to use.
No credit card or commitment is required.

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What our customers are saying:
"Awesome help and great pricing! Don't know how I didn't find them before, but I'll be here to stay."
- Loc P.
"Great sources and excellent response time. Their sourcing has helped secure some very nice business."
- Andy N.
"MaterialsNow makes it super easy for us to find the best pricing and delivery options instead of scouring the internet" - Carlos H.

You've got nothing to lose.

There's no risk, no cost--simply submit a request for quote
via our simplified tool and let the quotes come to you.

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